Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

IK House Of Fashion believes that its core responsibility is to ensure the privacy of all their customers is protected. We don’t mislead our customers to obtain their data for different uses. We want you to know about our privacy policy like the information we collect and where it is used. By shopping at you automatically lie under our privacy policy agreement.

Personal identification information

We collect the customers personal identification information in different ways when they visit our website, when they fill any form or register on our webpage. We ask them to fill in different fields like name, email address, phone number and shipping addresses. They can also visit our web page as a guest. We only collect information when any customer submits their information voluntarily. They can also refuse to give any information while engaging in different activities or even when buying on our online shopping portal.

Non-personal identification information

We collect non-personal identification information of users when they visit or interact on our website. This information includes what kind of computer they are using, browsers, internet providers, operating systems or any technical information by which user is connected to our website.

Web browser cookies

To enhance user experience, we do not collect any “cookies” of those customers who interact on our website until or unless they voluntarily agree to it. Even if they have allowed us to save their cookies, they can refuse it anytime by changing their browser settings.

Sharing your personal information

We don’t sell, rent or trade our customers personal identification information. We strictly condemn the act of sharing it with any affiliates, advertisers and vendors. We might share general information like demographics, gender etc. which is not linked to any personal identification of any user.